The Urban scene that we propose includes That’s Life, a sofa that evokes a modernist jazz lounge, where you could easily meet one of the protagonists of Mad Men. The immortal version of «That’s Life» sung by Frank Sinatra pushes all those who are feel like the ground is missing from under your feet to get back up and «get back into the game».
Invigorated and refreshed by this extraordinary sofa, you will find exactly the strength needed to do it too. Every detail is the result of careful reflection: from the sartorial elegance to the well-defined masculine lines, nothing has been left to chance combined with Douglas is what design should offer to those who are looking for a sophisticated stay.
It is a design that inspires and moves, created to enrich environments and make us consider the space we live in with practicality and multiple nuances.
Fabric D/4989 Dub collection, micaceous brown feet. Small tables in zebrano, micaceous brown feet.
Leather B 3111, micaceous brown feet.
Arabesque grey marble top, micaceous brown base.
In Élite Collection fabric E/5757, micaceous brown base.