Our identity is based on the constant ability to evolve, grow and change. We are not afraid of comparison with the past, we are aware that being Florentine means, first of all: continuity with a very high heritage. We connect the old with the new, bring craftsmanship closer to modern production processes, have high expectations of our staff and leave nothing to chance.
Our way of seeing things is based on curiosity, on the perennial fusion between tradition and innovation, on the Florentine context which goes from local to global thanks to the taste of daring.

This is precisely the Arketipo philosophy, that « soul » that makes all of our work unique. We are a hotbed of ideas, in constant cultural ferment. We are not afraid of reworking from scratch something that the public is now fond of: we pour our innovative way of thinking and living into our work. Both in design and in the choice of raw materials, in functionality as well as aesthetics, we do much more than inform ourselves: we inform! Let’s create something that embodies our personal vision, an antidote to monotony and banality.
Our mission tends to make each Arketipo product − unique and original − a perfect synthesis between past and future!

We create unique and original objects
Just think of our logo: a 70s style font that has evolved in parallel with our path, and has been able to capture − if not even anticipate − the trends of the new millennium. The addition of the word Florence once again underlines the strong connection with our territory. Always faithful and grateful to our roots in this part of Italy, a source of inspiration for the collections to come.
The word Arketipo derives from the ancient Greek ἀρχή (arkhē) − which means “principle”, “origin” −, and τύπος (tỳpos) , i.e. “exemplary”, “model”. Such an evocative and ambitious name perfectly expresses our mission: transforming ideas into unique and original objects. And always from our name, the value we attribute to uniqueness is also highlighted.
We do not produce mass-produced, standardized and identical furniture: we only create unique pieces!