Lorenzo Cattelan - CEO
Arketipo is something special. We have used all our strength day after day to become what we are today. Our incessant search for perfection is reflected in what we do, in our passion, in our identity. This is what has helped us create a collection of sophisticated, high-quality furniture rigorously produced in Italy.
For ten years I have been responsible for product development, from sketches to the choice of materials, potential developments and the combination of all these elements to obtain a final result worthy of representing Arketipo. Thinking about how we can improve ourselves and stimulating the team to reflect on new challenges is the basis of my role.
Ours is a company that plays with emotional bonds. We could define ourselves as the classic local tailor, but with something extra. We must instill in customers enough curiosity to push them to come in and be amazed by what they see and find with us.
The details. Sometimes the absence of details is itself a detail, there are no absolute imperatives. A detail is something that is perceived, seen, breathed, experienced.
Behind a « perfect » product there are many components hidden. There are those materials, such as an original design or valuable materials, which give meaning to our universe and our space, in the most literal sense of the term. And then there are the intangible ones, for example comfort and modality, which occupy an equally decisive place in the final result. Even the mix of colors, lights, shadows, reflections and emotional connections with the product can make the difference. The co-presence of these elements is a sign that we have managed to create an excellent piece of furniture and have accomplished our task.
Perfection is boring. What should excite us is the research, not the finish line, otherwise we will never be able to look at the product with different eyes, from another point of view. After all, perfection doesn’t exist in the real world: it’s already a lot to be able to get close. The traces of a truly artisanal creative process tell a story a thousand times more interesting than any finished product.